You will be amazed! Dinner Factory meals minimize shopping, prep time, and cooking effort. You can come into our store and prepare 12 meals in about 2 hours. Dinner Factory packaging is disposable which minimizes dishes and utensil clean-up. When you factor in the extensive grocery list for all the ingredients of 12 main course dishes, the waste of unused ingredients, the fact that all our meat is naturally-raised, and the time to shop, chop and clean up, there is no doubt what a savings and convenience this really is. Many Dinner Factory meals cook in 30 minutes or less, can go from the oven to the table or are crockpot dishes. We help make the whole process more efficient. Not to mention, no last minute trips to the grocery store.
Our customers regularly tell us they started coming for the convenience, fun and variety but after time found that their monthly food bills were LESS, they were eating TASTIER foods, and they were feeling and looking HEALTHIER!!
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